We’ve updated our Terms of Service. Here’s What That Means For You.
Today we’re updating our Terms of Service. In the spirit of alignment, we’ve adjusted our terms to better reflect the best interests of both our customers and KnowledgeLake. We have updated the entire form to reflect the feedback we’ve received and to make our commitment to our customers clear. We’ve also added clarification around some terms customers have expressed confusion about. Ultimately, we think our new and improved Master Subscription Agreement will make everyone’s lives easier.
Please find the updated MSA here: KnowledgeLake Master Subscription Agreement
Here’s a breakdown of the changes:
- Section 1: Updated process for consistent and uniform improvements to our commitment to our customers.
- Section 11: Updated description of the ways we take responsibility for the safety of our customer's information.
- Section 14 & 15: Updated warranty and liability for more clarity to our customers.
- Exhibit B: Updated service credit description for more clarity to our customers.
If you have any questions please feel free to open a support ticket or email us at info@knoweldgelake.com
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