Below is the list of issues resolved in the latest upgrade as well as in previous versions by part of KnowledgeLake.
Administrator Apps |
User Apps |
New Resolved Issues
- Back end optimizations now clean up batches properly.
- Resolved an issue with Okta catalogs removing users.
Previously Resolved Issues
- Toaster messages now display for longer, making them easier to read.
- When a user group, that contains a user who has an API token created under their account, gets deleted, the All API Token page does not break.
- The "allowed email domain" field in the user catalog configuration should now accept or reject the domains that are configured or will allow any domain if none are configured.
- User profiles can now be configured for users to utilize within their configured Office Add-ins.
- Connecting to a Workday Sandbox no longer returns an error when attempting to connect to the destination.
- Environments with old custom Azure functions will continue to function properly when being upgraded to new versions.
- When adding a "Guest User" that does not have an AD account created through Active Directory, to an existing AD catalog, the new guest user will show up in the list of users within that group/catalog.
- If an AAD catalog fails to sync, it will only throw an error within KL and the refresh token will not be removed.
- Administrators can now specify a session timeout for user accounts.
- User locks and unlocks are now visible in batch history.
- OriginalFileName is now present in both general and index metadata for all apps and imports.
- Managed Metadata values no longer display duplicates in their drop-downs.
- When releasing a document with a CSV Metadata file, the fields should now be in the order configured in the connections app.
- If all widgets are removed from your home page, the reset widgets button is now selectable.
- When using the "Clear filtered field when key field value changes" option for filters in all index panels, required values are now honored.
- The back button now works as expected in the Outlook Add-ins.
- Outlook Add-ins now work as expected in additional versions of Outlook.
- An issue causing timeout errors in server logs is now resolved.
- Logs no longer display unwanted credential information.
- Resolved various issues around syncing Azure Active Directory catalogs.
- Various RPA button script errors have been resolved.
- Performing lookups against sources with a large amount of data has increased performance in all index panels.
- Removing a behavior from certain field styles will now tell users when doing so is incompatible with a field style.
- Users no longer see options they don't have permission to use in the Configuration app.
- Permissions for RPA and Preview Features will no longer display if your tenant does not have those features enabled.
- Verbose logging no longer throws repository errors in the background.
- Changing a user name is Azure AD and syncing now allows the user to log in with the new username
- Fixed an issue where "Error loading common script" was present in the logs when nothing was wrong
- OriginalFileExtension now consistently populates when uploaded
- Scan and Index now make suggestions to users when they have a document with no pages that may cause an error
- Resolved time zone-related issues causing dates to show as the previous day.
- The gateway service will no longer hang when starting due to network configuration.
- Having non-US characters in a catalog name no longer causes an error.
- Syncing Catalogs when there is a connection issue no longer affects users and groups.
- Syncing a catalog with an invalid connection now displays the appropriate error message.
- Auto-Indexing using a null field in SQL will now blank out the field in the index panel correctly.
- KnowledgeLake no longer shows “Failed to apply ContentType customization” error messages when there are no errors occurring.
- Improvements have been made to the Gateway service to minimize disconnects.
- API Token configuration now displays properly in the wizard.
- Various minor UI enhancements were implemented.
- The sign-in page will now load properly in a browser set to use a language other than English as its main language.
New Resolved Issues
- A Large Numbers of subclasses on a class no longer throw errors when processing documents.
- Optimized Intuitive AI property classification.
- OriginalFileExtension is now available in Work Item metadata.
- PDFs will now generate properly when "Save Form as PDF" is enabled.
- Public Triggers now create work items when using an HTML Control.
Previously Resolved Issues
- Batches no longer error due to a password-protected PDF file.
- CSV files no longer fail to process or error due to their size.
- Specific documents processed in environments version 3.10 and above will no longer error at the Convert To Image step with a "password protected PDF" error.
- When using a custom behavior to validate metadata that doesn't exist, and the process or workflow has an Index Your Documents step in it, the batch or work item will stop for index instead of going into error.
- Batches should no longer error with InvalidBatchLockTokenException error
- The process name should now update in the General Properties bucket when a batch goes through a new process.
- Automatic Indexing will no longer clear field values out when indexed documents pass through the activity.
- Batches should no longer be locked or stuck in an active status.
- Dates now properly convert if they are in a supported format when going through an Index Your Documents step.
- Convert to image no longer enlarges specific files to a larger-than-needed size.
- Items are no longer able to be created without a worker available to work them.
- Throttling improvements have been added when releasing to SharePoint Online to alleviate errors during a large volume of uploads.
- Batches containing OCR data no longer error out after going through an activity that splits documents.
- Using Azure Functions no longer causes a "Source cannot be null" error.
- Insert into Data Source now loads sources with large data sources configured.
- Reserved words are now kept on all documents after a document is split at Index.
- Using regex to find a barcode using the two barcode activities now functions as expected.
- Numeric range fields no longer cause an error when going through Index Your Documents.
- Barcodes now read properly when using specific coordinates in the two barcode activities.
- Classify Your Documents activity now handles documents with a large number of pages.
- Using JPEG compressing in Configure Your Working images now compresses images properly.
- Large documents no longer error in Enhance Your Documents activity.
- PageCount value is now updated after separation when using Classify Your Documents.
- Batch names are now kept when using Route to Activity with separation enabled.
- Resolved issues around barcodes reading by value.
- Performance enhancements implemented around uploading large files.
- Resolved out-of-memory errors when scanning large files being converted to searchable PDF.
- Route to Activity and Split Your Batches no longer encounter an error on specific scanned documents.
- Manage Your Emails now processes specific email bodies properly.
- The Clean Up Cache job has received enhancements around crashing that was causing a backlog of batches in an Archive status.
- Resource concerns caused by specific TIFF files have been addressed.
- Certain PDFs no longer experience quality degradation when going through an Index Your Documents step.
- Batches now clean up properly in the monitor after the Clean Up Your Cache job errors and recovers batches
- Improvements around multi-document batches being resubmitted if failing to upload mid-batch
- File size improvements for Convert to Searchable PDF
- Using Barcode Separation now puts split documents in the expected order.
- Batches no longer remain in Monitor under "Archive" status when the Clean Up maintenance job fails to run.
- Email Import jobs will not stop attempting to complete on error.
- OCR Improvements during processing using the Classify Your Documents activity.
- Using barcoding in a process now has improved performance.
- Uploading using the original file name coming from an import no longer adds an extra extension to the file name.
- Insert into Data Source activity no longer errors when there are spaces in SQL column names.
- Restarting a batch no longer errors when a batch is in the Send to Learning Queue activity.
- Removing the first page of a batch using barcoding now works correctly.
- Configure Your Working Images will no longer remove the PDF markup that was added in Abode Acrobat prior to Upload.
- Multi-Key Auto-Index Lookup behaviors will no longer fail due to the presence of apostrophes.
- The Modify Your Metadata activity can once again retrieve the DocumentFilesAddedThisVersion value.
New Resolved Issues
- The desktop utility installer no longer overwrites your custom Scan Directory if you are utilizing a non-default folder.
Previously Resolved Issues
- Scan can now download documents as PDF files from within the document viewer.
- The Scan folder in the Desktop Scan Client can now be configured (Scan Client will need to be updated).
- Added ability to rearrange pages within the document viewer.
- If a scanned batch is opened in the batch manager and edited during processing, it will not result in a duplicate batch sent to the Monitor app.
- When using the page count separation setting in a scan profile, users should not have any issues continuing to scan pages into the first document.
- Users should now have no issues using Epson DS scanners with the Scan app
- The Scan App will now compress images when they are imported.
- New Document and Current Document can now be selected without having a document already scanned.
- Data is no longer retained in batch files after completion which caused errors.
- Batch statuses are now consistent with what users should expect.
- Scanning no longer displays a licensing popup in specific environments
- After a batch is released, it now cleans up its .batch and .info files.
- A new KnowledgeLake Desktop Utility download will be available upon upgrade (September 2020) to resolve the following issues:
- Scanning in Color and Grayscale now compresses certain images as expected.
- The KnowledgeLake Desktop Utility should no longer throw an error related to port 9001.
- Scanning with certain configurations no longer slows down performance.
- Scan has undergone minor UX enhancements based on user feedback.
- Large numbers of content types no longer cause a "Long Running Script" error.
- The prompt referencing indexing in Scan-Only profiles has been corrected.
- Scanning has received multiple performance improvements.
- High-resolution images will now rotate properly.
- The Scan App will now populate the PageCount reserved word as expected.
- Upgrading the Desktop Client will now consistently succeed on the first try.
- Switching from a scan profile that opens the driver dialog will no longer override the settings of profiles that do not open the driver dialog.
- If you have the Scan app open in multiple browser tabs, they will now operate independently of each other. You will no longer be prompted to release batches for the other tabs after releasing one of them.
- Barcode rules will now work as expected while scanning.
New Resolved Issues
No new resolved issues for the Upload App.
Previously Resolved Issues
- Upload profiles can be configured using the Upload Settings tab in the Configuration App.
- Upload profiles can be configured with their own icon for easy identification.
- When using the "Previous" button the metadata entered will be retained.
- Administrators can configure file restrictions for the Upload App.
- The "Focus on Content-Type" hotkey should work in Upload as it does in Scan.
- Users can no longer drag files directly from within zip files or attachments from emails and generate 0kb files.
- Certain documents with special fonts are now displayed in the Upload viewer appropriately.
- Using the field PageCount in your content type no longer causes batches to error on upload.
- Performance enhancements implemented around uploading large files.
- Office Add-ins now show a scroll bar when there are more fields than what can be shown on a single index panel.
- Outlook Add-In no longer throws a "This version of Office is not supported" error in Outlook 2016
- An error message no longer appears when clicking between upload and search with lookup fields present
- Minor UI enhancements
- Toggling the viewer on and off in upload no longer will throw an error.
- When using gateways during indexing, Upload no longer locks up if the gateway is unavailable.
- When dragging items from Outlook into the Upload App, files are no longer removed from Outlook.
- Uploading a message with multiple attachments or resizing the Outlook window will no longer cause scrolling issues in the Outlook add-in.
- Users will now be able to use Azure Active Directory credentials to sign in to Apps from the Office Add-ins.
New Resolved Issues
No new resolved issues within the Learn App
Previously Resolved Issues
- When a minimum OCR confidence percentage is set on a field, the error message in the Index App now shows the correct number.
- Learn should now recognize and classify all OMR sections regardless of whether the document is flattened or not.
- hen using a regex to detect only digits,
- DocType is now populated in document properties when they are classified using Learn.
- Users should no longer receive 504 errors when submitting fingerprint results.
- Optical Mark Recognition no longer errors in certain scenarios.
- Tags with a space in them now function as expected.
- Training sets now save properly when creating a new fingerprint from the Learning Queue.
- Various UX enhancements have been implemented.
- Resolved an issue with Learn testing against certain Tag configurations.
- Drop-down fields now show their list of contents in the Learn app.
- Rotated documents will now OCR properly when processing.
- Learn accuracy increased to no longer OCR unrecognizable values in certain scenarios
- Closing a fingerprint using the Close button now unlocks the fingerprint
- Learn no longer gets different OCR results from the same document put in twice
- Increased stability for errors around clicking highlight boxes in the wrong order with specific keystrokes
- The Classify Your Documents wizard no longer resets the UI back to default settings when loaded
- Having fingerprints with no zones configured no longer causes errors or loops in a Classify Your Documents activity
- Deleting a template no longer causes errors when pre-classifiers are enabled.
- The Learn App now respects the "Starts with" and "Contains" settings for supported field types.
- When assigning a content type, selecting a choice column in the Set Fixed Index Values section will no longer cause the page to become unresponsive.
New Resolved Issues
No new resolved issues in the Index app.
Previously Resolved Issues
- Users can customize how the index app functions for them.
- When using the point-and-shoot OCR feature, only configured behaviors will be executed.
- Batches locked to a user will be removed from the My Work and the Index queue instead of remaining there despite being locked.
- Utilizing an Email Import Job with “Manage Your Emails” and “Classify Your Documents” steps to Import Unclassified Documents no longer breaks the Index App.
- Users can no longer mark documents as indexed when a required drop-down is not filled out.
- Chained together custom behaviors now work in the Index Panel as expected.
- Custom behaviors now reload choices as expected when fields are hidden and made visible again.
- Locked fields no longer clear out when invalid key fields are populated in a behavior.
- The Index App has undergone minor UX enhancements based on user feedback.
- Batches are no longer visible in the Index App when deleted from the Monitor in an Index Your Documents step.
- The Index App will now populate the PageCount reserved word as expected.
- Date and time values that include hyphens (-) will now work.
- Date and time values that only include two digits for the year will now work.
New Resolved Issues
- The bulk edit feature is available when only one document is selected.
- Users will only be prompted to save unsaved annotation changes once when attempting to navigate away from the page.
- Annotation text boxes will no longer resize themselves to the text and will maintain their original size set by the user.
- Hitting the edit properties button in the search results now loads the index panel as expected.
Previously Resolved Issues
- Documents uploaded to SharePoint Online that contain the characters # or % in the file name, no longer error when attempting to delete them.
- Search load times have been improved.
- Document images in the Viewer are no longer blurry.
- When a date is chosen at upload, set using a step in a process or workflow, or at the time of scanning, it will remain consistent and not be affected by or converted to UTC.
- When exporting documents and their metadata from the Search Viewer, they will export with all the appropriate metadata as set in the destination's file naming convention.
- Search results should now be accurate when searching by date using the equals operand.
- When using the grouping feature and sorting by a blank field, the results should now consistently show in the order the search is set to show them.
- If comments were added to a document in Adobe before ingesting into the Cloud, they remain with the document even after changes are made in the KL Viewer.
- When the "Best Fit" option is selected for a document in the KL Viewer, that setting will persist regardless of what window is open.
- Documents that are uploaded in SharePoint no longer receive the "Page load failed" message when viewing in the KL Viewer.
- Searching for values with special characters, such as parenthesis, no longer causes the search to not return results.
- When editing document metadata in the KL Viewer, the managed metadata field(s) do not get cleared regardless of the display format setting chosen.
- Using a column header to sort search results should no longer alter the values entered into the search fields.
- CSV exports should now export with each column having its respective metadata listed in it.
- CSV exports should now export consistently regardless of whether any fields in a column have metadata in them or not.
- When searching for a document where a result column name has a / in it, Search should not get stuck on the loading screen.
- When a document's metadata is edited and saved, Search should no longer throw the "unsaved changes" browser message when attempting to execute a new search.
- Changing the Display Name label of a search term should now update the Saved Search form in edit mode and in view mode.
- Users will no longer be prompted when using auto index with bulk edit.
- SharePoint Online is now searchable for Managed Properties beginning with a period.
- Documents containing a # or a % in their name are now searchable.
- Input mask messages will now display properly in searches.
- Quick search now handles values wrapped in quotes appropriately.
- Grouping will now save as expected on older saved searches.
- New search catalogs should now display as expected immediately after they are saved.
- Booleans should now display appropriately in search mode and build mode.
- Specific migrated documents can now be saved properly during document edit within the viewer.
- When grouping search results with a large number of results, the result counts now display properly.
- Filter behaviors no longer clear values out unexpectedly when editing properties in the viewer.
- Printing legal-size documents now prints the entire page
- Search no longer shows a zero result count when searching unsupported document types.
- Text Box annotations no longer affect the ability to edit a document.
- Opening documents with legacy annotations enabled should no longer throw a 504 error.
- Certain Docusign PDFs no longer throw an "Unsupported File Type" message.
- Fixed certain legacy text stamp annotations being converted at the wrong size.
- Additional signature font support has been added to resolve issues viewing signatures on PDF files.
- Quick search no longer pulls results from the root SharePoint site when it is not configured.
- Multiple content types containing the same column with different case sensitivity will no longer cause an error when switching between content types in the index panel.
- Specific filtered fields now return proper metadata in search results.
- Users without "Edit Annotations" permissions can no longer move existing annotations.
- Content type changes from the Search Viewer now reflect in Search results using an Azure repository immediately.
- Sorting columns no longer remove results that do not have a value in the sorted column.
- Saving documents with lookups no longer causes background errors.
- The search viewer now allows you to edit and save metadata in content types with unsupported field types present
- Resolved issues revolving around specific search paths and searching by data.
- Filtered fields no longer display blank data in search and viewer metadata.
- The viewer will now allow you to save document metadata with blank date fields present.
- Delete document permissions at a user and group level now behave consistently
- Drop Downs that allow fill-ins now display properly in view mode
- Implemented various UI enhancements.
- Configuring filters in search using specific settings no longer shows a blank wizard.
- If a search term is renamed, that change is now reflected in both the search results and the document viewer.
- Performance improvements when using field customizations with a large number of tables in your source.
- Performance improvements around Azure Content Repository searches.
- Saved searched will now remember the value you set for the Items Per Page option.
- Search will no longer become unresponsive when searching within a Content services search catalog if any of the result columns contain an apostrophe (') or comma (,).
- Date Range behaviors will no longer cause errors in the Index Your Documents step.
- When you run a search by adding properties and values to the URL, the property names will no longer be case-sensitive.
- Search results will now conform more strictly to the configured search paths.
- You no longer need specific permissions to use the Upload app to release documents from the Scan app. This scenario will no longer result in batches with errors.
New Resolved Issues
- Behaviors - Ability to choose from available Oracle views and tables when configuring behaviors
Previously Resolved Issues
- Sources - Local Table and Local List configured within the KL environment have been added to the available options for sources.
- Behaviors - Fuzzy String Matching is now available using the Auto Index behavior.
- Oracle DB Sources will now properly auto-index metadata when using the Multi Key Auto Index behavior.
- When a filter behavior is applied to drop-down fields connected to a SharePoint Online source, and the "Allow None" option for the behavior is enabled, the drop-down will consistently default to (None) regardless of the selection made to either the Key Field or the Filtered Field(s) until the (None) value is changed.
- When retrieving the list of available content types from a repository to add to a Destination, only pertinent information, such as display names or IDs, will be shown. This allows for faster retrieval times and simpler Destination configuration.
- Large SQL DB sources no longer time out during loading if the user only has access to a certain number of tables and/or columns within a table.
- Updating an Azure Content Repository's Content Type in Edit Properties now updates the internal system__DocType field as it should
- Admins/Super Users should now be able to tab to the next field of a content type when the "allow fill-ins" setting is set to false.
- Drop-down lists popping out when they shouldn't
- Gateways going offline no longer disrupts communication with other repositories not related to the gateway itself.
- Custom behaviors will no longer cause timeouts in certain scenarios.
- The table field pop-out now has a scroll bar with large tables in all apps.
- Adding a SQL source now allows SQL servers on non-default ports.
- Modern Authentication now allows uploading documents to destinations in all scenarios.
- SQL Sources with expired passwords no longer block other sources from being used due to connection errors.
- Connecting to destinations with a large amount of data no longer fails to connect.
- Date Validation now functions as expected using an Index Your Documents step.
- Various performance issues caused by behavior conflicts have been addressed.
- Blank fields will no longer try to auto-index on blank cells in an automatic indexing data source.
- Fixed looping auto index causing index panel to freeze
- Moving from content type creation to field creation in the destination wizard for File Share Destinations now works as expected
- You can now remove/blank out metadata on documents in an Azure Content Repository as expected.
- Resolved an issue regarding overwriting lookup values with blank values in the index panel.
- Content Type permissions can now be modified for groups that have a pound (#) in the name.
- Lookups using an Imaging Destination now function as expected.
- SharePoint List Lookups will no longer show duplicate values.
- Table dropdowns in the lookup configuration no longer cut off long table names.
- Columns created with # in the name will no longer have problems with being made visible or hidden, enabled or disabled, or optional.
- Suggest Text Dropdown lookup styles will now work correctly in Imaging Destinations.
- Connecting to a database with a large number of tables in it through a Gateway will no longer cause the Connections app to become unresponsive when configuring Automatic Indexing.
- You can now delete a Gateway connection when the Gateway is offline. This is important if you need to remove a decommissioned Gateway server.
- Upload options will appear correctly when configuring Box connections.
New Resolved Issues
- When saving a process with apostrophes in the Route To Activity step, no additional apostrophes are added.
Previously Resolved Issues
- When configuring an Insert Into Data Source activity using a large schema, there is no lag time or timeout during configuration.
- When configuring the Index Your Documents activity, continually reducing the resolution slider on the Pre-Load Your Documents window after reaching the minimum of 500 pixels will no longer cause an error when you attempt to save the activity.
New Resolved Issues
- The Monitor app gives the option to filter work items by Contains and Starts With.
Previously Resolved Issues
- Resubmitting batches no longer results in database errors in specific situations.
- Resubmitting batches now automatically unlocks the batch after the resubmit.
- Column names are now consistent across all audit trails.
- Exporting the same batch more than once no longer produces an error
- Metadata buckets now show accurately in the Monitor
- Send to Process will no longer be unavailable for batches in error or on hold.
- Using Send to Process in certain circumstances will no longer cause batches to get stuck with a status of Active.
New Resolved Issues
No new resolved issues in the API.
Previously Resolved Issues
- Batches with invalid batch IDs will no longer be generated when using the API.
- Empty metadata values are now able to be set using the API.
- Resubmitting a batch using the API no longer puts extra entries in batch history for a batch
New Resolved Issues
- Clean Up Locked Work Job now runs on the proper schedule.
Previously Resolved Issues
- Job errors are now easier to locate and the issue is easier to understand.
- Send Notification jobs should no longer error in environments where the Tasks app is enabled.
- When switching between different import job configuration pages, the mapped fields (such as content type) are no longer cleared and the "unsaved changes" message no longer appears.
- Large import jobs now have retries and are more reliable.
- Maintenance jobs in error now run properly after an error.
- Increased timeouts for RPA clean-up jobs were implemented to decrease errors in large implementations.
- Notification Jobs should now email on their configured schedule.
New Resolved Issues
- The layout view can be sorted and filtered using column headings.
- Layout groupings are respected when navigating from and back to the layouts page.
- Loading JSON into a dynamic panel in a question and answer gizmo now loads as expected.
- Deleting a Work Item now removes all tasks associated with the work item.
- Users are no longer logged out of KnowledgeLake if they access a task without Test Layout permissions.
- Opening tasks from the Available Tasks tab no longer requires Manage Task permissions.
- When tasks leave the Start a Task step, they now are removed from the Task list.
- Viewing the tasks inbox no longer requires the "View Permissions" permission for users.
Previously Resolved Issues
- Documents that have gone through either a Classify Your Documents step or Extract Table Data step now load properly in the Document Viewer Gizmo.
- Documents using the document preview gizmo coming from the scan app now load properly in tasks.
- An issue has been resolved that resulted in unclickable radio buttons in the Question & Answer gizmo.
New Resolved Issues
No new resolved issues in the RPA app.
Previously Resolved Issues
- The bots list now displays all bots in the Add a Bot Automation wizard automatically.
- There is no longer a hard limit of 30 bots per environment.
Workflow App
New Resolved Issues
- New functions have been added to allow for the splitting of documents within a workflow.
Previously Resolved issues
- Workflows within the Workflow App can be utilized as an alternative to Process Designer. This App has more customization options and other features to make document processing easier and more efficient
- Triggers can be created to kick off a configured workflow. They can be customized to suit your specific use cases.
- Global Variables can be configured to be used in various apps within the KL environment. Once configured, they can replace large blocks of code or lines of text to make customizations simpler and quicker.
IntuitiveAI (Workflow App)
New Resolved Issues
No new resolved issues for the Intuitive AI App.
Previously Resolved Issues
- IntuitiveAI can be utilized to create document classes using AI
- Subclasses can be created under a document class to further refine the main document class. They are very similar to Fingerprints in the Learn App
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