If you are performing a bulk export of search results using the Export Selected or Export All action in the results menu, follow these steps:
- From the search results Actions drop-down, select Export Selected to export any highlighted documents or Export All to export all results.
- Configure the following options on the first page of the Export Documents wizard.
- Export Location - The configured File System Export or Azure Blob Export destination where you would like your files sent.
- Conflict Resolution: File Already Exists - What you would like to do when exporting and a file is already in the selected export location with the same name.
- Conflict Resolution: File No Longer Exists - What you would like to do when a file no longer exists after exports start.
Conflict Resolution: File Export Fails After Retry - What you would like to do if a file fails to export.
NOTE: Files that fail to export will be retried one time by default before erroring.
- Click Next.
- Configure the following options on the second page of the Export Documents wizard.
- Export Name - The name of the folder you would like files exported into.
- Include Associated Properties - Choose whether the export will include a CSV containing the document metadata of exported documents.
- File Naming Convention - Choose the metadata and static values that will be applied to the names of any exported documents. If nothing is selected, the original filename will be used.
- Click Export.
Your export should now start and you can view its progress in the Export section of the Search app. For more information, reference the Viewing Export Progress section of the Export Configuration Guide (Zendesk Login Required).
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